UWNNY Seeks Community Impact Grant Applications
United Way of Northern New York (UWNNY) is pleased to announce that the portal to apply for 2025 Community Impact grant funding is open to local nonprofit, human service organizations August 1 through August 31, 2024. Completed applications and supporting documents will be reviewed by community volunteers who carefully evaluate proposals in alignment with community needs. Community review panelists determine the grant allocations, forwarding their recommendations for funding to the UWNNY Board of Directors.
Grant applications are open to 501(c)3 non-profit organizations providing human service programming to residents of Jefferson, Lewis, and/or St. Lawrence Counties. Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to review the Request for Proposals before preparing an application. Applications are submitted online via a special portal. Click here for complete details.
UWNNY expects to award a total of $225,000 in 2025 Community Impact funding. The maximum amount of funding that can be requested from the Community Impact fund is $25,000. Proposals for capital projects are not eligible for Community Impact funding. Submitted proposals must align with at least one of the primary areas of focus:
• Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) – interventions / strategies addressing SDoH, including but not limited to access to nutrition, housing, healthcare, literacy / language, education, and transportation.
• Child / Youth Success – programming that provides vital supplies and support necessary to academic success, growth and development, and a healthy successful transition into adulthood.
• Economic Stability – short- and long-term strategies to help people gain or maintain stability, including job skills training, soft skills development, and support to those at risk of falling into poverty.
Grant funds are made possible through the UWNNY campaign, conducted in more than 80 workplaces throughout the North Country. Employees are invited to support their community – and a wide range of programs – through convenient payroll deductions.
“We truly appreciate the generosity of individuals and businesses throughout the North Country who make Community Impact grants possible,” said Dawn M. Cole, UWNNY President and CEO. “The collective effort of community members demonstrates what the United Way model, allowing us to enhance the important work of the non-profit sector, ensuring that services are available and accessible to the most vulnerable.”
UWNNY is a collaborative non-profit organization, mobilizing people and resources to address pressing human service needs in the tri-county region. The Community Impact fund supports programs and initiatives that align with community needs, foster measurable positive change, and help create thriving communities. Last year, UWNNY partnered with 28 programs across Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence Counties, positively impacting 32,204 local adults and children, more than half of whom were assisted with basic needs to include food, personal care items, and transportation.
Click here for more information about the Community Impact application process or call our office at (315) 788-5631.